A few words in this video on what you will gain in this course…


<aside> 🤔 Do you want to excel as a public affairs leader but are not sure how?


<aside> 👍🏾 Do you want your team to improve and be a high-performing team? Do you want to give them the tools to deliver a great level of performance?


<aside> 💡 Have you or your colleagues recently stepped into a new public affairs leadership position that is going to stretch your leadership ability, or perhaps you'd benefit from taking some time out to reflect on how to improve as a leader?


It isn’t easy to be a great public affairs leader for your team and colleagues, but it definitely doesn´t have to be hard or feel lonely.

Leaders are made and remade and effective leadership is an art. This is where this workshop can help you. Public Affairs Leadership™ will equip you with the hands-on tools and techniques to grow, guide your organisation and improve as a leader for those you serve.

These aren´t academic or abstract workshops.

After the workshop, you´ll have a focused way to develop your leadership and evolve. You will be able to rely on these new behaviours in current or future roles for many years to come.

The nirvana of a successful organisation includes having multiple teams with conflicting objectives working really well with each other, and delivering a great service.

A common understanding of public affairs leadership can help bring teams together and provide an excellent foundation to build productive relationships and create more impact - internally and externally.

The workshop provides teams with an opportunity to step back from the day-to-day intensity of delivering public affairs and reflect on how to grow as leaders.